Today on The DooDoo Diva’s Smells Like Money Podcast, Lee Selzer and Aaron Gamble of Ace Tank Services share their underdog stories and how they achieved success from the bottom up as minimum wage workers and persons in recovery. With their story of taking over Ace Tank Services, Lee and Aaron help us see how love for work shows up to the people, how you can pass on the price increase to your customers the right way, the trends for the septic industry, and more.
Host: Suzan Chin-Taylor | Guest: Lee Selzer and Aaron Gamble
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Key Discussion Points:
- Lee Selzer – from minimum wage to taking over a company
- Aaron Gamble – on keeping an open mind and working with your heart
- Increase prices but add a different element to the job!
- Keeping your customers educated can also bring down costs
- Are septic tanks being replaced with public sewers?
Contact Information:
Lee Selzer and Aaron Gamble:
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I hope you find this episode as informative and as exciting as we have.
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Telephone: +1 760-217-8010
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