Listen to this latest episode of “The DooDoo Diva’s Smells Like Money Podcast” where Denver Stutler talks about how Sedivision’s MRI for wastewater structures ultimately provides visibility for clients, giving asset owners accurate information so they can make informed decisions and plan accordingly Denver also provides an analogy when it comes to customers asking about wastewater and his career, where he compares the visibility of wastewater with a large swimming pool. As the metaphor goes, a swimming pool ends at visibility, because you can see through the bottom of the swimming pool but you can’t see through the bottom of a wastewater tank.
Host: Suzan Chin-Taylor | Guest: Denver Stutler
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Key Discussion Points:
- Denver Stutler on An MRI for your Wastewater Tank
- Detention time is the treatment function
- Our industry suffers mightily from out of sight, out of mind.
- Sedivision Technology was Vetted by ISLE
Contact Information:
Denver Stutler:
U.S. Submergent Technologies | Sedivision®
o: 941-216-0149
m: 8650-321-4337 |
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I hope you find this episode as informative and as exciting as we have.
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Connect with Suzan Chin-Taylor, host of The DooDoo Diva’s Smells Like Money Podcast:
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Telephone: +1 760-217-8010
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