Listen to this latest episode of “The DooDoo Diva’s Smells Like Money Podcast” where Richard Blank talks about how call centers are essential in building businesses and how this can be applied in the Wastewater Infrastructure Industry. He starts by stating that the first thing to alleviate getting unlikely experiences for a small company as well as a medium size company is that the company should do more voice support instead of non-voice support, because if you’re just pressing buttons or filling out a form, it can raise temperature levels and frustration. Richard also states that it’s very easy to retain a client, to get a referral and maybe even upsell.

Host: Suzan Chin-Taylor   |   Guest: Richard Blank

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Key Discussion Points:

  • Executing Voice Supports rather than Non-voice for Small or Medium Businesses
  • The Affordable Consideration of Outsourcing your Customer Service Call Center
  • Foreign Outsourcing Increases Business at 95% Literacy

Contact Information:

Richard Blank:

Costa Rica’s Call Center

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I hope you find this episode as informative and as exciting as we have.

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Telephone:  +1 760-217-8010

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