Listen to this latest episode of “The DooDoo Diva’s Smells like Money Podcast” where we are discussing Deep Trekker with its Director of Sales and Marketing, Cody Warner. We start the episode by explaining what this company does and how their products and service contribute to the entire city. We gain an understanding of the information that is most useful with regard to the collection of CCTV data. What are some advantageous aspects of collecting and analyzing inspection data? What are some potential directions that the development of CCTV cameras could head to help with labor shortages and the silver tsunami to help operators get what needs to done when more help may not be available. In addition, we had a discussion about underwater inspection camera technology as well as sonar and lasers, along with their ideal applications, Lastly, we will be given a glimpse into the future plans of Deep Trekker with regard to the advancement of technological capabilities.

Host: Suzan Chin-Taylor   |   Guest: Cody Warner

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Key Discussion Points:

  • What Is Deep Trekker?
  • Is Sonar still advisable to use?
  • Can sonar findings be collated?
  • Why is underwater inspection very important in our cities?

Contact Information:

Cody Warner



Deep Trekker Website:

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I hope you find this episode as informative and as exciting as we have.

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Telephone:  +1 760-217-8010

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