Welcome to the Smells Like Money Podcast hosted by Suzan Chin Taylor, aka the DooDoo Diva. In this episode, Suzan and John explore the innovative use of nanobubbles to address the persistent issue of odor abatement in wastewater treatment plants. From municipal upgrades to industrial applications, they discuss how nanobubbles offer a sustainable solution to enhance treatment processes and minimize environmental impact.

Sponsored by RIOT SCADA, the future of industrial automation and sustainable wastewater management.

Host: Suzan Chin-Taylor   |   Guest: John Crisman

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Key Discussion Points:

  • Addressing Odor Issues: Suzan emphasizes the significant impact of odor on wastewater operators and communities, discussing the productivity detriment and strain it imposes. She highlights the importance of finding sustainable solutions to mitigate odor problems.
  • NanoBubbles Technology: John explains the root causes of odor in wastewater treatment plants, such as overloading and low dissolved oxygen levels. He introduces nanobubbles as a unique solution that operates at a molecular level to improve conditions and reduce odor.
  • Case Studies: John discusses real-world applications of nanobubbles, including a municipal plant upgrade and a confined animal feed operation. He explains how nanobubbles are deployed into lagoon systems to enhance treatment capacity and restore balance, ultimately eliminating odors.
  • Flexibility in Deployment: Suzan and John discuss the versatility of nanobubbles technology, offering both capital expenditure and service-based options for clients. They highlight the low maintenance and simple operation of the technology, making it accessible to a wide range of industries.

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I hope you find this episode as informative and as exciting as we have.

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Connect with Suzan Chin-Taylor, host of The DooDoo Diva’s Smells Like Money Podcast:

Website:    www.creativeraven.com | https://thetuitgroup.com/

LinkedIn:   https://www.linkedin.com/in/creativeraven/

Email:        raven@creativeraven.com

Telephone:  +1 760-217-8010

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