Welcome to the Smells Like Money Podcast hosted by Suzan Chin Taylor, aka the DooDoo Diva. In this episode, we continue our insightful series on workplace safety for the wastewater industry with Stu from Workplace Safety Specialists of Mesa, Arizona. We delve into the crucial role of audits and the value of a third-party perspective in identifying hidden hazards that can easily be overlooked. Stu shares practical advice on conducting internal and external audits, updating safety protocols, and the potential cost-saving benefits of proactive safety measures. Join us to learn how to keep your workplace safe, compliant, and efficient.
Host: Suzan Chin-Taylor | Guest: Stu Kemppainen
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Key Discussion Points:
- The significance of audits and third-party inspections in maintaining workplace safety.
- The concept of “blind spots” in routine tasks and how they can lead to unnoticed hazards.
- Real-life examples of common oversights in safety protocols and emergency action plans.
- The financial and safety benefits of proactive audits before regulatory inspections.
- Strategies for internal audits and the advantages of external expert evaluations.
- Practical tips on updating safety procedures to match new equipment and technologies.
- The importance of being prepared for regulatory body inspections and knowing your rights as an employer.
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I hope you find this episode as informative and as exciting as we have.
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Connect with Suzan Chin-Taylor, host of The DooDoo Diva’s Smells Like Money Podcast:
Website: www.creativeraven.com | https://thetuitgroup.com/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/creativeraven/
Email: raven@creativeraven.com
Telephone: +1 760-217-8010
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