Welcome to the Smells Like Money Podcast hosted by Suzan Chin Taylor, aka the DooDoo Diva. In this episode, we wrap up our safety series with Stu, a workplace safety specialist. We delve into the concept of the “industrial athlete” and explore the critical role of ergonomics in the wastewater industry. Stu sheds light on how ergonomic practices, typically associated with office settings, are crucial for fieldwork in wastewater management. Learn about the most common and costly injuries in the industry, how simple ergonomic adjustments can prevent them, and practical tips to enhance your daily routines for a healthier work-life balance.

Host: Suzan Chin-Taylor   |   Guest: Stu Kemppainen

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Key Discussion Points:

  1. Definition and significance of ergonomics in the wastewater industry.
  2. Comparison between office ergonomics and fieldwork ergonomics.
  3. Prevalence and impact of musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) in the industry.
  4. Examples of acute and chronic injuries.
  5. Importance of warming up and stretching before starting the workday.
  6. Simple exercises and routines to incorporate at the start of the day, during breaks, and at the end of the day.
  7. Differences between gym workouts and work-related movements.
  8. How to train the body for specific tasks in the wastewater industry.

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I hope you find this episode as informative and as exciting as we have.

Please let us know your thoughts about the episode!

Connect with Suzan Chin-Taylor, host of The DooDoo Diva’s Smells Like Money Podcast:

Website:    www.creativeraven.com | https://thetuitgroup.com/

LinkedIn:   https://www.linkedin.com/in/creativeraven/

Email:        raven@creativeraven.com

Telephone:  +1 760-217-8010

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