In this episode, Suzan Chin-Taylor talks with Catherine Baker about the critical development gap in mid-level management. They explore the statistic that 40% of newly promoted managers fail within their first 18 months and discuss the importance of proper onboarding and management training. Catherine, leveraging her extensive experience in the staffing industry, identifies common issues faced by mid-level managers, such as unclear role expectations, lack of onboarding, insufficient soft skills, and absence of mentoring programs.

Host: Suzan Chin-Taylor   |   Guest: Catherine Baker

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Key Discussion Points:

  1. Importance of Communication:
  • Effective communication and understanding team dynamics are crucial for preventing toxic work environments and improving workplace culture.
  • Real-life example of Eddie, an executive, learning to communicate better with a manager, which improved collaboration and retention.
  1. Bridging the Gap:
  • Need to bridge the communication gap between top-level executives, mid-level managers, and front-line employees.
  • Emphasis on self-awareness, coaching, and understanding individual communication styles to improve workplace relationships and productivity.
  1. People Problems:
  • Many organizational issues boil down to human factors.
  • Coaching and mentoring are beneficial, especially for new managers.
  • Recognizing and rewarding employees is vital.
  1. Challenges of Internal Promotions:
  • Challenges faced by managers promoted from within their teams.
  • Organizations need to invest in developing their mid-level managers.
  1. Investment in Development:
  • Encouragement for organizations to invest in mid-level management development to positively impact the bottom line.
  • Importance of delegating administrative tasks to free up managers’ time for more critical responsibilities.

Statistic Highlight:

  • A McKinsey survey found that mid-level managers spend almost 75% of their time on tasks unrelated to managing their teams.

Contact Information:

Follow Catherine Baker for insights and tips on management development on LinkedIn (

Visit Avanza Rah at

Call to Action:

  • Consider the importance of mid-level management development and explore ways to support and train managers in your organization.
  • Reach out to Catherine Baker for further discussions and resources on management development.

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I hope you find this episode as informative and as exciting as we have.

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