Have you ever thought about why your website is not generating expected sales even when you are generating huge traffic? Do you know that most business websites experience high bounce rates due to the lack of effective mechanisms to convert web traffic into genuine leads and sales? 

When it comes to capturing leads through the website, it is a common perception that SEO or Search Engine Optimization plays a crucial role. There is no doubt that SEO is important to rank higher in search results and gain more visibility, but what about nurturing those visitors into your potential leads? Here comes Website Conversion Optimization or Conversion Rate Optimization comes into play.

WCO or CRO is a set of tools or mechanisms to convert web traffic into fruitful leads and sales. In this article, I am going to explain to you the potential of WCO or CRO and steps for effective WCO to increase your traffic to lead conversion rate. But, before diving into the core, it’s important to have a quick overview of both SEO and WCO.

What is SEO?

Search Engine Optimization

SEO is a strategy that focuses on publishing or modifying web pages in order to rank them higher in Google search results. This strategy includes tactics like keyword optimization, on-page and off-page SEO, backlinks, and more. The main goal of SEO is to rank higher and generate more organic traffic without allocating a huge budget for promotion. This makes SEO a promising, low-cost, and long-term success for your business. 

What is WCO?

Website Conversion Optimization is an aftermath but an important process when it comes to converting web traffic into genuine leads and active customers. WCO’s strategy integrates steps like user-friendly site design, engaging content, attractive call to action, and accessibility. Using tools like survey forms, newsletter signups, and discount or coupon codes, you can create an effective WCO strategy to convert your web visitors into valuable customers.

Why WCO is more important than SEO?

Having a website and generating more traffic is not enough. Where SEO strategy will only drive traffic to your website, good WCO or CRO practices will convert that traffic into customers but will also help you to nurture existing customers to build long-lasting relationships. In simple words, though SEO is important for the website to generate organic traffic, relying only on SEO will never give you promising results.

Benefits of an Effective WCO Mechanism:

  • Improves user’s website experience
  • Boosts customer’s decision-making process
  • Lowers customer acquisition cost
  • Increases average order value
  • Improves customer lifetime value
  • Supports in SEO rankings

Steps and Tools for Effective WCO

Above I have explained to you about the difference between SEO and WCO and why WCO is more crucial than SEO. Now I am going to explain to you the steps and tools that you must follow for effective website conversion optimization.

Landing Page

As we know a website is the cornerstone on which a powerful mechanism is built to convert web traffic into genuine leads and sales. But if you are driving traffic through SEO or email marketing, it is important to have a proper landing page. The landing page should have all the essential information about the product or service that you are promoting or for which you are driving the web traffic. Most business owners and marketers drive their traffic to their website’s homepage. This is good if your campaign is about promoting your business or company. But, if you are promoting your product or service, then you must have a dedicated landing page so that visitors won’t have to migrate throughout the website for the information they are looking for.

User-Friendly and Responsive Theme

Make sure the theme you are using for your website is optimized, responsive, and user-friendly. Today most users are browsing through their mobile devices and therefore the theme you are using must be mobile responsive. Most marketers and business owners don’t focus on the theme and that’s one of the reasons for the increased bounce rate. A user-friendly and responsive theme gives users a smooth and hassle-free experience where they don’t have to struggle with font size, unorganized content, distorted visuals, and more. Therefore, spend some amount on choosing quality themes as it also affects your SEO.



A blog presents a significant opportunity for website conversion. Apart from publishing insightful and informative content regarding your industry’s topic, a blog can employ CRO to turn visitors into leads. Adding calls-to-action (CTA) to articles or asking readers to provide their email info in return for an e-book or industry report are common examples of this approach.

Pricing Page

For many website users, the pricing page of a website may make or break their experience. Changing the pricing intervals (such as price per year vs. price per month), outlining the product characteristics linked to each price, providing a contact number for visitors to contact for a price estimate, or introducing a straightforward pop-up form, can assist a pricing page in converting visitors into buyers.

Call-to-Action Buttons

CTAs are the magic tools for a high conversion rate. Make sure your calls to action (CTAs) are easy to see, properly convey the action you’d like the user to perform, and are placed prominently.

Use contrasting colors and attention-grabbing content that makes it obvious why clicking on your CTA buttons would benefit the user. For example, put text like “Get Free Quote Now” instead of a simple “Submit” button.


Make your call-to-action (CTA) forms as easy to use as possible, whether they are sign-up, contact, or lead-generation forms. To make the form simpler for users to complete, reduce the amount of required fields, utilize clear labels, and offer fast validation feedback. Reduce the length of your forms by only requesting the necessary data. The completion rate increases with the fewer number of fields a user needs to fill out.

Best Practices

website CTA

Adding text-based CTAs in blog articles

Even though it’s recommended to have calls to action (CTAs) in blog posts, they don’t always work to get people to do what you want them to do. Why? The banner blindness phenomenon is a real culprit that happens when people get used to banner-like CTAs on the website. When people visit a website, they rarely read the full blog post; instead, they “snack” on information, which means that something needs to be changed. Text-intended CTAs that are used in the flow of the content get more clicks. That’s why the text-based CTA is useful.

Adding lead flows in your blog

Adding a lead flow to your site is another way to improve your conversion rate. Lead flows are popups that get a lot of attention and give something of value. Think again if you think popups are something you should avoid. Based on your offer, you can pick a slide-in box, a drop-down banner, or a pop-up box.

Helping leads become MQLs

People sometimes just want to get right to the point, skip some parts of the normal buyer’s journey, and talk to a sales rep right away instead of being nurtured. You should easily turn these visitors with high purpose into marketing-qualified leads (MQLs) through specific actions. They can act by using well-thought-out web pages, clear and engaging copy, and smart calls to action (CTAs).

Adding messages to high-converting pages

Live chat software lets you talk to people who visit your website right now and help them out as needed. Add these messaging tools to your best-performing web pages, like your price and product pages, to get more conversions. This way, leads can get all the details they need right away. You can also create your own app to be placed on the website. Say, if someone looks at the page for more than one minute, you might want to offer support and answer any queries they might have.

Leveraging retargeting to re-engage visitors

It doesn’t matter what your most important conversion measure is: There is no getting around the fact that most people who visit your website do not do what you want them to do. You can get people who visited your website to come back by using advertising on Google, Facebook, and other sites. With retargeting, you can show ads to people who have been to your website while they are on other websites. This works especially well when you retarget visitors who visited the pages on your site that converted the best. If you want retargeting to work effectively, you still need well-written copy and engaging visuals.


Are you ready to roll on your sleeves to convert your web traffic into qualified leads? Without effective website conversion optimization, there is always a black hole that is swallowing your quality leads. Creative Raven is a full-fledged digital marketing agency that analyzes your website and performs an audit to give you clear insight into why your website lacks the potential to increase conversion. From website development to turning your website into a high conversion machine, Creative Raven has everything for you. Get in touch with us to get an audit for your website.